
Created in 2006 to facilitate the redevelopment of the area around the former Turner Field by encouraging substantial new development.

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The TAD will establish the framework for redevelopment opportunities and investment in portions of the Summerhill, Mechanicsville, and Peoplestown neighborhoods and provide an important economic incentive to enhance the market competitiveness of the area.

The primary goal of the TAD is to provide a funding source for the construction of public parking decks on the surface parking lots north of Turner Field, t在这里by reducing the need for surface parking lots, which inhibit development activity. The TAD area consists of approximately 391 acres with 671 individual parcels around Turner Field.

大球场区TAD Development Objectives

The benefits to the City and County from creation of the Stadium Neighborhoods TAD, and the projects which will result, 包括:

  • New private capital investment of approximately $1.2 billion through 2020 on property, much of which is currently surface parking lots, located in an area that historically has been underserved.
  • Creation of new jobs in the business and service industries with the substantial new office, 零售, 酒店发展.
  • 创造新的购物方式, 娱乐, and entertainment opportunities which will improve the neighborhood environment.
  • Creation of a more vibrant neighborhood environment by expanding residential opportunities with approximately 3,630个新住宅单位.
  • Improved pedestrian access to shopping, 就业, regional transportation particularly in Hank Aaron Drive and Georgia Avenue.
  • Establishment of new neighborhood gathering places, attracting new customers and visitors to the area.

大球场区TAD 重建 Plan


To view current programs, please review guidelines below.

Return to development incentives application 在这里.

Notice: The 小型企业 Improvement Grant program is not currently open. We invite interested applicants to apply for the Commercial Property Improvement Grant.
